Kapil Mishra, a well-known Indian Politician and former MLA from Karawal Nagar, Delhi, has gained immense popularity on Social Media. He previously served as...
After winning millions of hearts with the web series "Mannphodganj Ki Binny" and "Love Aaj Kal" opposite Karthik Aryan, Pranati Rai Prakash is going...
Urvashi Rautela, a well-known Indian Film Actress and Model, gained fame after being crowned Miss Diva 2015. She proudly represented India at the Miss...
After receiving an enthusiastic response from fans for the trailer, the makers of Rohit Shetty’s upcoming film 'Singham Again' released the film’s first song,...
Karishma Kotak is a multi-talented individual, excelling as a TV Presenter, Model, actress, and host. Her career has seen her in numerous commercial advertisements...