Anybody can dance… BUT a perfect integration of music, movement and spatial awareness is required to be a professional dancer. That is what good training imparts. So what are the benefits of the training? Pratyusha Chhajer, founder-director of SS Ballet Academy in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, talks about some of the amazing benefits of dance.

1) Neuroplasticity or brain plasticity
There is a technical and physics definition to Neuroplasticity. The term refers to the brain’s ability to change and adapt as a result of experience. The process of Neuroplasticity when we dance, can be simply defined as leading to subtle changes in the brain, which take place when the body links the memories of previous actions and movements with our dance moves. As the body dances, the brain adapts in response to the experiences. This not only increases plasticity, but helps our body synchronize our dance steps to the music. In fact, all this happens so subtly that one can even say it happens subconsciously. And it leads to the dancer getting better and better with his/her moves.
2) Dedication and discipline
Professional dancing takes a lot of will power and determination to excel. Thus one has to develop dedication to it on a long-term basis. And whatever one is dedicated to do, leads to a set regular pattern of discipline. Thus, dance can actually have people improving their focus in general, while improving their dedication and learning to be more disciplined, not only with dance, but also in the other aspects of life.
3) Improved gait and posture
Of course, it’s no rocket science that regular exercise, stretching and bodily movements can improve one’s gait and posture. But what dance actually does is, that it takes this one step further. Since dance also stimulates your brain and gives that feel-good feeling, it has the potential to activate all the cells in your body and make the body actually feel good and happy about its new improved gait and posture. It makes people more comfortable and confident about the way they look and stand. Ever thought about that?
4) Sense of inclusivity, togetherness and team spirit
At dance schools, like at our SS Ballet Academy, students get a chance to not only learn the right methods and tactics in ballet dancing, but also get to interact with other students and learn to harmonize and socially interact with cooperation. This brings in a strong sense of inclusivity, togetherness and team spirit, along with learning the art form. These little traits which we normally tend to overlook, go a long way in improving the way people interact and socialize. The sense of inclusivity in society also gives an edge to one’s personality and character.
For the record, SS Ballet Academy was launched by its founder-director Pratyusha Chhajer four years ago to train and develop professional dancing. Named after Pratyusha’s children Samyan and Shonaya, SSBA follows the Vaganova curriculum method of ballet. It is a style of ballet training created by Russian ballerina Agrippina Vaganova, who became a highly renowned ballet teacher and has authored the book Basic Principles of Classical Ballet. This curriculum method is marked by a fusion of the classical French style (specifically elements from the romantic era), with the athleticism of the Italian method, combined with the soulful passion of Imperial Russian Ballet.